Jun 21Liked by Logan Steiner

I went down the academic road. I had fantastic LSAT scores and considered law school. Sometimes I wonder about the salary I could have made as a lawyer. hahaha. I think feeling worthy comes from how we talk to ourselves because tons of academics do not feel worthy despite success in their fields.

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Jun 21Liked by Logan Steiner

Beautifully stated about a truly loving person I am very happy to call family. ❤️

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Jun 21Liked by Logan Steiner

What a wonderful & inspiring post—thanks so much, Logan, for sharing the story of your father’s courage & love, & the way his values echo through his circle of family & friends.

I understand your heightened feelings about the road not taken. I too wonder what my life would have been like if I’d become an English professor. And I wish we’d had a chance to talk about this at the LMMI conference! I was there yesterday & kept an eye out for you but didn’t see you—wish I’d got in touch earlier. My daughter & I are leaving PEI today. Hope you enjoy the rest of the conference. I’m sure your talk tomorrow will be fabulous.

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I’m so sorry I missed you here, Sarah! Thanks for your note, and I’d love to chat more about all of this! Should we have a virtual tea?

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That sounds lovely! Talk soon.

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