This is a newsletter for the creative sort about the creative sort.

Welcome, friend! However you’ve found your way, I’m so glad you’re here.

When you hear “the creative sort,” you might think painters or poets or playwrights. But for me, the creative sort is as much a practice as it is an identity. It’s the process of taking the overwhelming stream of life, slowing it down, turning it inside out, finding nuggets of beauty or meaning, and sometimes feeling brave enough to share them. In the good times and the hardest ones.

This newsletter shares my own search for what’s meaningful and lasting in the noise of a busy life, including through personal essays and interviews. My deepest hope is that you come away with a more expansive view of what it means to be a creative sort.

Your support as a subscriber means so much to me. It helps me keep finding to courage to do the really scary thing, again and again.

About Logan

I am a lawyer by day and a writer by toddler bedtime. My writing explores motherhood and the creative life.

I am the USA Today bestselling author of AFTER ANNE (HarperCollins 2023). For anyone who loves learning about the real lives of authors responsible for creating our most enduring characters, the novel tells the life story of Anne of Green Gables author Lucy Maud Montgomery.

After graduating from Pomona College and Harvard Law School, I clerked for three federal judges, spent six years in Big Law, and spent three years as an Assistant United States Attorney. I now specialize in brief writing at a boutique law firm.

Balancing lawyering, writing, and mothering is not easy, but I have found that they complement more than compete. Being a lawyer makes me a clearer writer, being a writer makes me a happier lawyer, and being a mother makes me a more grounded one of each.

I live in Denver with my husband David, our daughter, and the cranky old man of the house, a Russian Blue cat named Taggart.

Subscribe to The Creative Sort

This is a newsletter for the creative sort about the creative sort.


historical fiction writer rep’d by @BookySaul, lawyer (she/her)